City Map

City Map

Pocket-sized billboard for restaurants, attractions, Broadway shows, and more.

Launched in 2020, City Map is the handy resource that tourists engage with at the exact moment they’re deciding what to do and see in NYC. This large, easy-to-read map includes subway lines and stations, parks, and iconic city destinations, plus call-out maps and indexes of Broadway theaters and attractions.

City Map is also a pocket-sized billboard for restaurants, attractions, Broadway shows, and more. Tourists carry it around with them throughout there trip, referring to it again and again, so get oriented and seek directions.

Plus, printed maps are the invaluable resource the hospitality community uses when helping visitors figure out how to spend their time in the city.

Printed quarterly, it is update for each tourist season and delivered to over 300 hotels and distribution points.

“I was surprised, when I came back from Covid, that with all the technology out there, our guests still request maps. I think we still want to see the place we’re visiting on paper. I know it will happen to me as well. Thank you City Guide for providing an essential tool for my guests and for us concierges.”
David Moreno
David Moreno
Member Les Clefs d’Or USA • Concierge, Park Lane Hotel, New York


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