As tourists plan their NYC itinerary, City Map serves as an essential guide, used by concierges to map out a guest’s plans, and consulted over and over by visitors as they navigate the city’s infinite choices.

Distribution: 1,200,000/year in 400 NYC locations, usually next to City Guide Magazine

  • Hotels
  • Visitor kiosks
  • Transportation hubs
  • Lounges

Publishing Schedule

IssueAd Closing DatesMaterials DueDistribution Dates
March-MayJan. 25, 2025Feb. 4, 2025March 1, 2025
June-AugApril 28, 2025May 8, 2025June 1, 2025
Sept-NovJuly 28, 2025Aug 7, 2025Sept. 1, 2025
Dec-FebOct 27, 2025Nov 6, 2025Dec. 1, 2025

There is something about being able to physically hold and mark on a map places and areas you visited to create a personalized keepsake with your map is something you just can’t recreate on your smart phone. Plus a map doesn’t run out of batteries.”

— Charlie Loor, Concierge

The Peninsula

Ad Specs

Get noticed by millions of active and engaged city visitors and culturally-curious locals.

Advantages for advertisers include:

  • Pin locator & legend key to an advertiser’s location
  • High-quality reproduction value
  • Large map ad impression value
  • Weekly monitoring of distribution location

3.125″ W x 8” T


3.125” W x 3.875” T 


3.125″ W x 2″ T


3 5/8” W x 2” T
(3.625” x 2”)

Bleed Size:
3 3/4″ W x 2 1/8″ T
(3.75″ W x 2.125″ T)
(Ad bleeds bottom and right sides ONLY)

Artwork File Types Accepted:

High resolution (300dpi) .PDF, .JPEG, .PNG, .TIFF, .EPS with fonts outlined, images converted from RGB to CMYK using Web Coated (SWOP) v2 profile.


Ad Production Contact:
Heather Gambaro:  [email protected]


Top Reasons to Appear “On The Map”

Be there when visitors are planning and navigating their city itineraries.

  1. Hospitality pros rank printed maps #1 (78%), followed by printed guides (62%).
  2. Hospitality pros (97%) view print tourism info as important and useful.
  3. Tourists consult maps when they are deciding what to do and see.
  4. Print maps are faster to peruse than digital content.
  5. Maps go everywhere with tourists.
  6. Hotel guests feel print information enhances their experience.
  7. Print maps/guides are perceived as helpful, friendly, caring, thus enhancing the reputation of a hotel and its staff.
  8. Print maps/guides enable hotel staff an opportunity to engage with guests.

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