City Guide Digital:

Connect with City Guide’s Loyal Audience and our targeted newsletter products offer an efficient, highly targeted vehicle for reaching visitors while they’re in the process of deciding where to spend their time and money while in New York — and for saavy locals who want to be in the know.

Subscriber Newsletters

City Guide has a reliable weekly Thursday delivery date to their subscriber lists.

City Guide —
8 Great Things to Do in NYC This Weekend (TWIC)

All the week’s biggest exhibitions, concerts, festivals, family events, and more are gathered in one place with dates, detailed summaries, and ticket information.

40,000 Subscribers

  • One image: 600px w x 400px h
  • Headline up to 45 characters
  • 50-100 word description
  • Dedicated URL link
  • Content Due: Tuesday at noon
  • Email sends: Thursday at 2am

Newsletter Sponsorships

Sponsor newsletters with relevant NYC Tourism content that gets read by ready decision makers

  • Prominent logo positioning at the top of every newsletter
  • 10 word description and hot link
  • Listing on new subscriber welcome email

Thought Gallery —

The Curriculum Weekly Newsletter:

Thought Gallery is the only continually updated compendium of intellectually stimulating activities in NYC. Topical events range from arts, politics, theater, and LGBT studies to intellectual engagements. We engage with our Thoughtlectuals who look to Thought Gallery as a must-have resource to discover talks, readings and more events that challenge them to think, learn, and grow.

Thoughtlectuals continue to remain loyal and engaged with our content with the newsletter averaging over a 35% open rate each week.

11,500 Subscribers

  • One image 225 px w x (up to) 750px h
  • Headline (any size)
  • 50-150 word description
  • Dedicated URL link
  • Content Due: Tuesday at noon
  • Email sends: Thursday at 7:30pm, with a retarget on Sundays at 9pm


  • 36% are between 25–35 and 46% are 55 and older
  • 73% are female
  • 45% have graduate degrees or higher (Masters or PhDs)
  • 64% live in Manhattan and Brooklyn

Online Digital Marketing

CITYGUIDENY.COM is a planning tool used by domestic and international consumers prior to their arrival in NYC. 

Display advertising rotates among these positions/ad units throughout the site – and on the home page.

Ad Sizes for Geotargeting Program

Mobile AdPixel Size
Leaderboard728 x 90
Medium Rectangle 300 x 250
Mobile Banner 300 x 50
Wide Skyscraper160 x 600
Half Page Ad Unit300 x 600

Mobile Ad Formats:

GIF, PNG, JPG for still images | Animated GIF for animations


Smartphone Static Banners: 300 x 50, 300 x 250, 320 x 50, 336 x 280, 320 x 480

Max Size: 40k – 1MB, depending on supply vendor

Tablet Static Banners: 300 x 250, 728 x 90, 160 x 600, 468 x 60, 336 x 280

Max Size: 150k – 1MB, depending on supply vendor


Ad Production Contact:
Heather Gambaro:  [email protected]

Other Specs

  • Creative images must be clear, recognizable, and relevant; text appearing in the ad must be legible.
  • Creatives must occupy the entire space of the image size you’ve chosen.
  • Creatives cannot appear sideways or upside down.
  • Creatives cannot be segmented, contain multiple copies of itself within the ad, or otherwise appear to be more than one ad.
  • Creatives with partially black or white backgrounds, you must add a visible border of a contrasting color to the majority background color of the ad.
  • File size must be under 150 KB or smaller (we recommend under 40 KB) – applies to first and third-party ads.
  • All creatives must open a new page on click, cannot open in the same page.
  • Animated ads are restricted to a maximum of 15 seconds of looping, after which point they must remain static.
  • Flash creatives must use the clickTAG function on the top-most layer and must have the stop(); function on the last frame of the animation. First-party backup static image is supported. Best practice is to always provide a backup static image.
  • In-banner video creatives can be in HTML5 or flash format with a 50kb max file load and a 2MB load for the secondary file.
  • There is no length limit for click to start video ads, but the video should immediately go to the landing page upon completion.
  • For auto-start video ads, there is a 15-second limit. Audio should not be heard unless initiated by a mouse-over; video should be backstopped by a static 300×250 which should click through to a landing page.
  • All in-banner video ads must include the play, pause, mute and unmute.

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