City Guide News-old

July 2024: Maps — A One of a Kind Medium

Tourists Love Maps. We hear that again and again from concierges and tourists. The 2024 Concierge Survey reports that approximately 60% of guests who come to the concierge desk walk away with a map. Let’s explore why.   Why Maps are Still in Demand Physical maps put Manhattan in perspective in a way no other media can. In one single visual vehicle, out-of-towners—both first-time visitors and repeaters—get a sense of neighborhoods, locations of key destinations,

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June 2024: Tourists Want to be Educated

Tourists Want to Be Educated   The majority of tourists, over 80%, travel to NYC without having planned every activity on their itinerary. They arrive seeking information that will help them determine how they will create their ideal vacation. Therefore, you should approach in-market tourists with the goal to educate them on how you enhance their trip better than the plethora of alternatives.   Today’s tourists evaluate experiences more critically than ever before. They want

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May 2024: Tourists Come in Different Flavors

Tourists arrive in NYC with dreams and aspirations – and different itinerary criteria. They have various schedules, budgets, physical limitations and of course interests. When they evaluate the quality of an experience they try to determine their emotional reward — will I be happier, smarter, awed — will this enrich my life. You can envision all of the travelers in this chart who decide what show, restaurant, activity, or store to choose after they arrive

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April 2024: Happy Spring

City Guide’s mission is Guiding Discoveries. Every year 10,000,000 tourists utilize our magazines, maps and digital media to decide which shows to see, museums to visit, attractions to experience, restaurants to patronize and stores to visit. We educate hotel concierges and front desk staff about you, our clients. This newsletter highlights insights about our many touch points.   Guest Services Survey Results City Guide views the 1,200 NYC concierges and front office staffs as an

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